Devin Nunes Says Clinton Campaign Colluded with Nearly Every Top Official at the DOJ and FBI

Sunday on Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” House Intelligence Committee chairman  Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) said the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton’s “colluded” with “nearly every” top official in the Justice Department and FBI.

Nunes said, “What’s come out now, Maria, is that he has been the go-between Christopher Steele, so once Christopher Steele was terminated as a source, for doing all things like talking to the media, at the behest of Glenn Simpson, remember he was working for Glenn Simpson Fusion GPS, who are working for the Clinton Campaign. Christopher Steele was fired, a lot of this information wasn’t shared with the FISA court, especially because of the fact that Christopher Steele was desperate that Donald Trump not become president. After that happened, Bruce Ohr, one of the top lawyers in the Department of Justice, kept continually meeting and providing information from Christopher Steele to who? The FBI.”

He continued, “This is just madness. The American people need to know it. I will tell you, like I said in the last segment, the fact that the media is ignoring this is even more of a reason that we’re going to have to have more information than usual declassified. We’re going to have to have, I think, an unprecedented amount of information declassified because the media is just not covering this topic.”

He added, “Don’t forget that Bruce Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, who also will have to be interviewed soon, she also was working for Fusion GPS, working for the Clinton campaign. So here you have information flowing from the Clinton campaign from the Russians, likely I believe was handed directly from Russian propaganda arms to the Clinton campaign, fed into the top levels of the FBI and Department of Justice to open up a counter intelligence investigation into a political campaign that has now colluded with nearly every top official at the DOJ and FBI over the course of the last couple years.”

(h/t Washington Examiner)

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